Photo Gallery » Bridges in Stańczyki » Railway bridges

Railway bridges

Railway bridges

The bridges were built at the beginning of the 20th century. The southern bridge was completed in 1917 and the northern bridge in 1918. The tracks were laid on only one bridge. The 35-kilometer railway line ran from the Gołdap through Botkuny, Dubeninki, Stańczyki, Pobłędzie to Żytkiejm. On October 1, 1927, trains began to run on this route. What you can see from above on the bridges are not tracks - they are just a shadow from the railings that looks like a track. The railway line was dismantled by the liberation army from behind the eastern border in 1945 and since then the bridges are only a reminder of the power of Prussia.

Picture number (ID): 2370


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