ul. Podzamcze 3
11-440 Reszel, Poland
Do you want to check how you sleep in the castle? Go to Reszel - a picturesque town and a solid stronghold (the castle of Warmian bishops) are waiting for you!
Hotel, gallery, museum and restaurant - this is the perfect idea for such a large castle. A three-star hotel in a gothic castle offers 20 rooms and two suites in towers. All rooms have bathrooms, satellite TV and internet.
It is worth coming for a few days and live in these historic walls.
Castle in Reszel
Reszel Castle in autumn
Castle - view from above
Castle interiors
Fireplace room, library and reading room
Standard room
Beds in a standard room
Chamber in the castle
Room Standard+
Room with a double bed
Bathroom in a hotel room
Apartment in the tower
Apartment in a tower - bedroom
View from the room to the courtyard
Castle Restaurant
Museum at the castle - bastions
Museum in the tower
Museum - castle dungeons
Castle Gallery - Branch of the Museum of Warmia and Mazury
Castle in Winter